Legal Love
I woke up yesterday to the great news that same-sex marriages were legalized in all states in America. As everyone was splashing on their Facebook walls saying how proud they were that love had finally conquered all, changing their profile pics to rainbow stained ones, it raised a few questions for me and kept me awake the entire night.
To me, Love is not only the purest feeling it is in fact the greatest power that was given to us living beings. To choose one person that you can share this feeling with, is in itself hard to find. Though love cannot be quantified, yet to love someone and to get that back, in the same exact way or even more, is a rare find. We love so many people we meet, yet when that age-old question is asked, worded something like “If you could save one person’s life in a drowning boat, full of the people you love (your parents/your siblings/your lover/your friends/….) who would you choose?” I am sure, most of us, have been dumbfounded, and yet when we have thought over this question yet again, on our own, with no one watching or listening to us, we choose, this one person, this love, who is above and beyond all realms of practicality and everyone else. But do we ever choose this person for their sex? Human hearts have not been made to choose over reason. Love is unreasonable, it is mad. It can drive you to pull your hair out, and also put a smile on your face when nothing seems to work out.
So, if love is all that great, why should it be ‘Legalized’? Does it hurt lives like drugs? Does it kill people? Does it endanger the human species? The answer is pretty simple. NO. So, as we are indeed celebrating now that people with a similar set of anatomy can be together forever, does it not hurt to think that it should have been okay in the first place? It did not need anyone’s approval, it was always bigger, better and beyond all crazy things and all the life-sucking problems, we deal with every day. Heck! It was the only solution.
So all those out there, who are reading this, take pride that now you can embrace your loved one irrespective of all rudimentary societal rules, for eternity. To have and hold, without prejudices, fear, and worries, forever. As long as we are out there passing nods, and ‘Legalizing’ things, let us remember, there are far worse things which we do every day which in fact should be ‘illegal-ized’! Irresponsible use of Natural resources, starting wars, being respectful to the people who love us, shirking work, being abusive…the list is endless!
All in all, today, I am honored that at least one nation finally did the right thing. I hope it is just the beginning of the greater good to come for us and the future generations of this planet. In the words of America’s most favorite president, John F Kennedy, here is to lovers everywhere else, still fighting their battles,
“The cost of freedom is always high, and one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender or submission.”
To no surrender!